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Academic Format
of the GSE MBA Degree

The GSE MBA is designed to be completed in 15-18 months using the Oxford Tutorial Method.  


For Cohort programs, 8-10 peers meet for two hours every few weeks,

with pre-course work readings and post-course written deliverables between meetings.  


MBA MyWay™ Programs offer students an entirely custom experience.



Sample Cohort Format: 


Step 1:  Attend a Kick-Off Session With Your 8-10 Member Cohort

  • This session may be in-person or virtual, allowing you to get to know your cohort and become more familiar with the teaching method, curriculum, academic calendar, etc.


Step 2:  Complete 10 Short Foundational Courses (24 weeks)

  • One Live Group Session is dedicated to each foundational course.

  • Students follow a streamlined course agenda:

    • Pre-Class Deliverables: Students complete pre-class work consisting of readings, videos, and short assignments. Completion typically takes 2-3 hours. 

    • Class Time: During each live session, the professor engages the cohort in the subject matter through group discussion, breakouts, and live exercises.  

      • A Distinguished Guest Lecturer (DGL) may be invited to present to the group. The professor will assign the course deliverables at the end of the session.

      • Students are expected to complete the course deliverables prior to the next live session. 

    • Post-Class Deliverables: Students submit written essays and short assignments to demonstrate understanding and competency of the material. Completion typically takes 2-3 hours.


Step 3:  Complete Three Advanced Courses (12 weeks)

  • Two Live Group Sessions are dedicated to each advanced course.

  • Students follow a similar course agenda as above.


Step 4:  Complete and Present an Individualized Capstone Project (12 weeks)

  • The final portion of the degree features a Capstone Project, which requires each student to work on a challenge relevant to his or her business.

    • Students use multidisciplinary approaches to perform critical analyses of real business issues in situations of uncertainty and incomplete information and develop an actionable solution, which is presented to the cohort and assessed by the professor.

Pricing Plans

MBA My Way™

MBA My Way™ allows individuals (or up to three associated people) to complete their MBA with a private, dedicated professor.


This program is perfect for entrepreneurs who desire a custom academic delivery calendar and programming.


The same curriculum and access to Subject Matter Experts are available but presented at a pace that addresses the entrepreneur's needs.


Custom Cohorts are also available to groups, associations and companies.

Inquire for Tuition Rate

Mastermind to MBA™

The Mastermind to MBA™ program offers a peer-based learning experience for a cohort of 8-10 students who meet with a dedicated professor.


The Cohort meets virtually every few weeks, with study and homework assignments in between.


Distinguished Guest Lecturers (DGL) join us throughout the program to add depth, perspective, and relevancy to the learning as well as access to current and additional resources.


* Price is for the entire degree program; scholarships may be available.


Custom Cohorts are available.

$50,000 USD

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What our learners say

"As an entrepreneur who didn’t enjoy college, I appreciated the academic format of the GSE MBA.  The small cohort experience was unique and allowed me to form strong bonds with my peers.  I was pleased I could focus my final project on a new idea for my business and I plan to stay in contact with several of the guest lecturers who are entrepreneurs themselves."

Rob Simons.jpeg
Rob Simons
Founder, Simons Coaching
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